Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Without Password

Remove kaspersky endpoint security 10 without password regeditUninstall

Remove kaspersky completely windows 10, The Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows remote uninstallation task will start If the removal of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows is password protected go to the Uninstall application remotely task properties open the Settings section and select the Use uninstall password checkbox. Hello, i had to change some settings in kaspersky but i had set up a password so that nobody will change it. But I forgot the password and now i cant change settings. So can u please help me in this problem, i had found ways in which we need to go to safe mode and then do something with the. Uninstall kaspersky windows 10 without password, All you have to do is enter the installed program list and remove the program you do not wish to use anymore. On a Mac, go to the Applications folder and move Kaspersky to Trash. On Windows, enter 'Control Panel' into Cortana's search box and go to Programs Uninstall a program.

Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Password

You can allow a user to uninstall the Endpoint Security client on their remote Windows computer without giving the client uninstall password to the user. A challenge-response procedure validates the identity of the user on the remote computer.

Prerequisite for uninstalling using Challenge-Response:

The administrator configures the Client Setting policy one-time only, for all users:

  1. In SmartEndpoint click the Policy tab.

  2. In the Client Settings policy rule, in the Actions column, double-click Default installation and upgrade settings.

  3. Select Uninstall client using challenge-response to allow users to uninstall their Endpoint Security Mestrenova 12 for mac. clients using a challenge-response procedure.

  4. Set the number of digits of the Response length. The default setting is 30 digits (High Security).

To allow a user to uninstall their Endpoint Security client using Challenge-Response:

  1. The user starts the process to uninstall the Endpoint Security client:

    1. Telelect digger derrick manual. On the Windows computer, go to the Add or remove programs system setting, select the Endpoint Security, and click Uninstall.


      A Check PointEndpoint Security challenge-response window opens. The window has a Challenge field that contains a number with many digits, and a Response field that is blank.

    2. Give the Challenge number to the administrator. This can be by phone, text message, email, or in some other way.

  2. The administrator generates a Response and gives it to the user:

    1. In the SmartEndpoint main Menu, select Tools > Remote Help > Client Uninstall Remote Help.

      The Client Uninstall Remote Help window opens.

    2. In User Logon Name, select the name of the user who wants to uninstall the Endpoint Security client.

    3. In User Device, select the computer of the user.

    4. In Challenge from user, type the challenge number that the user gave you.

    5. Click Generate Response.

    6. Give the Response number to the user. This can be by phone, text message, email, or in some other way.

  3. The user uninstalls the Endpoint Security client:

    1. Type the Response number into the Check PointEndpoint Security challenge-response window.

    2. Uninstall the Endpoint Security client.

Learning has never been so easy!

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows is most often installed from the console, Kaspersky Security Center. Policies are created in the console that cause Kaspersky to be locked from changes on the client workstation. Uninstall is not just a simple Add and Remove Programs process.
Kaspersky has a service running on the workstation called Self Defense that keeps some registry entries locked and the installed folder for Kaspersky locked from changes. This causes uninstall to have to be done in Windows Safe Mode.

Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Without Password Download


6 Steps total

Step 1: Uninstall Steps

KAVRemover.exe run in Windows Safemode is required to uninstall
Make sure that a copy of KAVRemover.exe is copied to a local location on the affected PC

Step 2: Boot into safemode using F8 at startup

If you don't see the menu at startup that offers Safe Mode, restart PC again, you missed it.

Step 3: Login with an Administrator account

Step 4: Run KAVRemover.exe

a. No need to uninstall the Network Agent
b. Choose KES10 for Windows, type in code, and click Remove
c. If no Kaspersky AV is detected, KAVRemover.exe must be run from Command Prompt (run as Admin)
i. If KAVRemover must be run from CMD Prompt, change working directory to its location
ii. Use this command without quotes 'KAVRemover.exe -nodetect'
iii. Choose KES10 for Windows, type in code, click Remove


Step 5: When it completes, click OK, reboot

Step 6: Reinstall from KSC

Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Without Password Unlocker

Kaspersky Security Center (KSC)


Download Kaspersky Endpoint 10

  • Mace
    hsc5775 Dec 10, 2014 at 07:55am

    there was a specific problem that has made the complete delete necessary?
    We also use Kaspersky.
    the reference to the use in the Uninstaller in Safe mode was new to me

  • Poblano
    DaveKamps Jan 23, 2015 at 02:42pm

    Since the communication to the KSC from that workstation wasn't operable, Self Defense would not turn off its lock on the install location, which has the folders, in essence, in Read Only mode. To get Self Defense to not start and lock the install location folders so that a uninstall/reinstall would be possible, it has to be done in this situation from Safe Mode.