Binhex 4.0 Converter

BINHEX(1) General Commands Manual BINHEX(1) NAME binhex - Hexifies a series of files SYNOPSIS binhex - options files DESCRIPTION binhex takes the files specified in files and hexifies them in BinHex 4.0 format on standard output subject to the options specified.

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From what I find online, there are different versions of the BinHex format. None of them is exactly the same as Base64. There are however major similarities. Taking for example the BinHex 4.0 specs, we see that the major binary content is encoded using an encoding scheme with base 64, thus encoing 3 octets to 4 characters. It uses a different. The contents of this document, unless otherwise expressly stated, are licensed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license. The Gentoo Name and Logo Usage Guidelines apply. If you get into Microsoft BASIC and run this program, it will create BinHex 4.0 on your MS-BASIC disk. If you do not have MS-BASIC, you can run the Macintosh Pascal program in the next posting. If you have neither BASIC nor Pascal, you can probably get BinHex 4.0.

HQX files have been initially created for Apple Mac computers. The data inside the file has undergone compression as well as encoding, resulting in a 7-bit text instead of a 8-bit binary format. The encoding is done using the BinHex 4.0 encoding mechanism. These kinds of files are typically used for file transfer of binary files like documents, images or other multimedia attachments when sending an e-mail. They are used for different means of file transfer on the internet as well.

Technical details of HQX files

HQX files are text files that range from binary to hexadecimal. While BinHex 4.0 is used for encoding in HQX files, RLE is used for the compression. What makes HQX files predestined for file downloads on the internet or sending e-mail attachments is the fact that they couple combine both data and resource fork of the Mac file system to form only one archive. Files with the HQX extension are significantly bigger than the original binary files they were made out of. However, they are not as vulnerable to corruption during the transfer as the original binary files are.

More information about the HQX file format

File extension.hqx
File categoryMisc
Associated programsApple Archive Utility
Corel WinZip 18.5
ESTsoft ALZip
Incredible Bee Archiver
Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe
Useful linksMore information about BinHex 4 and HQX
DeveloperYves Lempereur
Debra Earle wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
> | I have downloaded a file sent tome with an attachment that says 'must be
> | converted from binhex 4.0'. Someone gave me advice to use winzip but
> | that didnt solve the problem either. Any advice on how to view such
> | files? Is there a program i should use that will convert it to Wpwin8?
> |
> | Thanks.
> |
> | Warren
> |
> Winzip *should* be able to convert binhex files back to their original
> form.

no go. i get this message and all the codes:

'(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)'

But are you sure your mail program didn't convert it already?

Binhex 4.0 Converter 4.0

No idea. when i open it in wordperfect i get the above message and all
those codes.

Binhex 4.0 Converter

> perhaps you did convert it with winzip, since your later msg says it shows
> as WP4.2 format.

it doesnt matter whether i use winzip or just open the downloaded file,
i get the same message.
perhaps i am doing something else wrong?

> It's very possible that WP mis-identifies a Mac WP 3.5 as a PC WPDOS 4.2;
> what happens when you try to open it?
as above, hex codes presumably plus 'must be opened with binhex 4.0'!
> --

Binhex 4.0 Converter Vs

> DE, C_Tech