Apache Ofbiz Installation Windows 10

  • Update Java SDK to 1.8 or above. Make sure system variable JAVA_HOME points to latest install.
  • Goto https://ofbiz.apache.org/download.html to download the latest stable version of Ofbiz.
  • Unzip the downloaded file into desire directory.
  • Goto Ofbiz end user document for installation instructions.
  • Note: Running ofbizstart.bat without installing the demo data first does not seem to bring up Ofbiz website.
  • Note: When running command (on Windows) gradlew loadDefault ofbiz, The build command update can stop at message “> Building 92% > :ofbiz”. It is OK. If you don’t see things happening for awhile, go ahead and check if Ofbiz is up by going to https://localhost:8443/accounting on the browser. The gradle build message is not always updated correctly.
  • Note: Some Ofbiz documents says to use gradlew loadAll ofbiz. This will cause an error when used with 16.11.xx version. Gradle will complain that loadAll is not a valid option after first doing a lot of compilations.

Apache Ofbiz Review


Ofbiz Manufacturing

Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows ME Note Note that current releases of Ant no longer support these systems. If you are using an older version of Ant, however, the script used to launch Ant will have problems if ANTHOME is a long filename (i.e. A filename which is not of the format known as '8.3'). Windows 10 64bit, OFBiz pulled from trunk: $ svn co ofbiz.16.11.